Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Day 3: A Great Find!

  Click here to donate to my Believe 4 Nicholas 2024 Chicago Marathon efforts! 

πŸ’›Thank you in advance! πŸ’›


January 3, 2024

My intention today was to run at least a 5K to be able to hang a "1st Run in 2024" virtual race medal. It wasn't my first run, but I had already signed up for a "Happy New Year" run and forgot I had done so...oh well. πŸ˜†

However, I jumped on and shifted to think about getting a 10K in while I have time before school starts back up next week. However, at an 11 minute mile, it takes me more than a 60 minute Peloton run to do it, and there weren't any that lit me up anyway. I also didn't feel like listening to a playlist. So I decided to try a new podcast that was recommended to me and WOW!!!! Awesome feed about female athletes by female athletes. In case you're interested, here's the link or you can just use this to search it:

I'm telling's GREAT!!! My favorite snippets from today were:
  • Choose SIGNIFICANCE over SUCCESS, and
  • Aspirations leave clues. 
I'm going to keep listening on longer runs and on my commute. If it sounds good to you, check it out!

Happy to report I have logged 21.90 miles so far in 2024. And then I think about this three days' worth of work isn't the marathon distance yet and start to freak out a little. So I'll put that thought in a mental box and not go there!

With gratitude and a splash of grace, 

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Day 15: Updates and Polar Vortexes

   Click here to donate to my Believe 4 Nicholas 2024 Chicago Marathon efforts!  πŸ’›Thank you in advance! πŸ’› πŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘Ÿ πŸ‘Ÿ...