Saturday, January 13, 2024

Day 12/13--100 Miles

 Click here to donate to my Believe 4 Nicholas 2024 Chicago Marathon efforts! 

πŸ’›Thank you in advance! πŸ’›


January 13, 2024

So I meant to write this yesterday but got lost in cleaning out my email...sorry to all those colleagues who got a flurry of emails in your account because I was cleaning out mine! πŸ˜‚

We're in the midst of a snowstorm turn polar vortex here in Chicagoland. After a few days of crazy text strands, are we/aren't we calls and conversations, and tons of contingency plans, we took a real, old fashioned snow day yesterday. Note: my kids were on remote learning, and not at all happy that the hubs and I could simply frolic in the snow. Hahahaha! Parenting win!!!!

So, with extra time after a couple Zoom meetings, I did my personal triathlon...meaning bike, run, and lifting. I loathe swimming and also do not have or want to go to a pool, so this is my version and I love it. I got in a great ride (30 min with Cody), a long run (45 min=4.3 miles with Matty), and a lift, then a stretch. I also did a post ride stretch BEFORE my workout and it felt really good. The cool thing is I also hit this...

I'm SO excited! I'm counting my cycling miles and will continue to do so 1) because it's purposeful movement and 2) my goal is to get in 2024 miles this year, and...once I start really training for the marathon in daily miles will go down, so I want to bank a bunch now. And...who cares anyway! It's my goal. I think so often I/we overthink and try to do things RIGHT that I/we lose sight of what's ours, what works, and what success looks like for me/us. Refer to my "should" post earlier...

With that said, I'm posting pre workout today because I'm aiming to run 10 miles today. Slow, steady, not worried about pace miles...just do it. I'm also starting to explore energy gels so that, when I get to runs longer than this, I can fuel. 

More to come...

I'm also going to try to NOT lose my mind at a basketball game where my kid is playing, needs to show more hustle, one of our bigs got moved up a level, and playing a team that ALWAYS kicks our butt. 

Namaste, y'all. 

With calm, snow, polar vortex, and a splash of grace, 

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Day 15: Updates and Polar Vortexes

   Click here to donate to my Believe 4 Nicholas 2024 Chicago Marathon efforts!  πŸ’›Thank you in advance! πŸ’› πŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘Ÿ πŸ‘Ÿ...