Monday, January 15, 2024

Day 15: Updates and Polar Vortexes

  Click here to donate to my Believe 4 Nicholas 2024 Chicago Marathon efforts! 

πŸ’›Thank you in advance! πŸ’›


January 15, 2024

So, it's been a crazy few days with snow, frigid cold, calling a snow day, now calling a remote day for tomorrow, and all the things. It's also been really nice to have time off...even though we just had time off. This time feels like a if you play a scratch off ticket and win. There's just something about unexpected days off and at home because it's so cold your face will freeze if you go outside. 

With that said, I DID run my 10 miles on the tread. It felt almost entirely great. Here's what worked:
*Compression on my calves
*Brooks running shoes
*A kick ass playlist
*TV on with no volume on HGTV to watch Chip and JoJo shiplap the crap out of houses
*Water bottle

Here's what I learned:
*Going to try those energy goo things because, by mile 8, I needed a boost
*My high arches are going to need more support
*Because of my weird arch thing, I put pressure on the pad of my foot and it started to feel gross, so I'm researching on that
*I for SURE want to go get a real running shoe fitting for my birthday in June to be ready for October
*My hubs is even more amazing than I knew because he took Tay and friends sledding so they had fun while I spent my 1:55 running

And with that I will head out to do the work I've been putting off so I could enjoy cozy snow, cold time at home.

With all the warm clothes, gratitude for a remote car starter, and a touch of grace,

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Day 12/13--100 Miles

 Click here to donate to my Believe 4 Nicholas 2024 Chicago Marathon efforts! 

πŸ’›Thank you in advance! πŸ’›


January 13, 2024

So I meant to write this yesterday but got lost in cleaning out my email...sorry to all those colleagues who got a flurry of emails in your account because I was cleaning out mine! πŸ˜‚

We're in the midst of a snowstorm turn polar vortex here in Chicagoland. After a few days of crazy text strands, are we/aren't we calls and conversations, and tons of contingency plans, we took a real, old fashioned snow day yesterday. Note: my kids were on remote learning, and not at all happy that the hubs and I could simply frolic in the snow. Hahahaha! Parenting win!!!!

So, with extra time after a couple Zoom meetings, I did my personal triathlon...meaning bike, run, and lifting. I loathe swimming and also do not have or want to go to a pool, so this is my version and I love it. I got in a great ride (30 min with Cody), a long run (45 min=4.3 miles with Matty), and a lift, then a stretch. I also did a post ride stretch BEFORE my workout and it felt really good. The cool thing is I also hit this...

I'm SO excited! I'm counting my cycling miles and will continue to do so 1) because it's purposeful movement and 2) my goal is to get in 2024 miles this year, and...once I start really training for the marathon in daily miles will go down, so I want to bank a bunch now. And...who cares anyway! It's my goal. I think so often I/we overthink and try to do things RIGHT that I/we lose sight of what's ours, what works, and what success looks like for me/us. Refer to my "should" post earlier...

With that said, I'm posting pre workout today because I'm aiming to run 10 miles today. Slow, steady, not worried about pace miles...just do it. I'm also starting to explore energy gels so that, when I get to runs longer than this, I can fuel. 

More to come...

I'm also going to try to NOT lose my mind at a basketball game where my kid is playing, needs to show more hustle, one of our bigs got moved up a level, and playing a team that ALWAYS kicks our butt. 

Namaste, y'all. 

With calm, snow, polar vortex, and a splash of grace, 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Day 9--The 5 AM Club

  Click here to donate to my Believe 4 Nicholas 2024 Chicago Marathon efforts! 

πŸ’›Thank you in advance! πŸ’›


January 9, 2024

So, today I was up at 4:45 AM to jump on a call with other local superintendents to decide if we would open or close schools. We opened because---while snowmageddon was predicted--we woke to rain. Yeah, snow came later in the day making a messy ride home, but it's northern Illinois...not sure what anyone would expect differently. 

HOWEVER, I stayed up after the appx 1 minute call, had a coffee, and had a nice, long workout (2 mile run, 6 mile ride, arms, and a quick stretch). I was not rushed or stressed and everyone got where they needed to be on time (even with forgotten basketball shoes). The ENTIRE day felt better because of it. 

So, I have set an intention to be a weekday member of the 5AM Club, which is really a thing. It's for people who intentionally get up earlier to have "them" time. As an agile snoozer, this will be a challenge...but a good one. I'm setting myself up for success by:

1. Using a sunlight alarm. Love the light that gently and progressively brightens for 30 minutes until the alarm goes off. It also has fun little songs you can choose from for the alarm itself. 
2. I have moved said clock and my phone far out of reach so I have to get up to snooze or to be extra sneaky and set a phone timer to work the system. 
3. My hubs gets up even earlier than this to get himself to the gym. 

I shall try my best, focusing on getting to bed earlier so I'm still getting 7 hours of sleep. 

Updates coming...

With gratitude for a home gym and sunlight clock with a generous splash of grace, 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Day 7: Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

 Click here to donate to my Believe 4 Nicholas 2024 Chicago Marathon efforts! 

πŸ’›Thank you in advance! πŸ’›


January 7, 2024

Yep, I've kept up my workouts. But I never promised I'd blog every day, so I'm ok with the fact that I picked experiences over writing for the last couple days. I soaked in every moment of a trip with Shaun and Braden to Indiana University (my alma mater) to see the campus and go to the IU/OSU basketball game at THE Assembly Hall! No, I don't care what it's called now. It's Assembly Hall to me and it always will be. Here are a couple pics from our trip...

I've engaged in a stupid mental battle with this whole training thing. I'm doing two parallel challenges:
1. Working up to be ready for the Chicago Marathon, and
2. Moving 2024 miles in 2024. 

These may seem complimentary, but I know to do #1, I need to run more slowly that I have in the past both to enjoy running at all and to endure 26.2 (it's a long way). However, to meet my 2024 in 2024 goal, I get more miles when I move FASTER. 

So, to do it all and keep myself healthy along the way, I have to:
1. Be ok with my 11:20 mile running pace. 
2. Build in bike rides for recovery...and miles (muuuuch faster on the bike!).
3. STRETCH!!!! 

Put simply...I have to keep the main thing the main thing...endurance. I will RUN to my goals...knowing that sometimes I'll stumble...and I WILL get back up again!

With gratitude and a splash of grace, 

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Day 4: I'm Going to (Try to) Stop "Should"-ing on Myself

 Click here to donate to my Believe 4 Nicholas 2024 Chicago Marathon efforts! 

πŸ’›Thank you in advance! πŸ’›


January 4, 2024

I came upon this thought today, and got feedback from a FB friend saying she needed it today. My response was as follows: 

(Name) oh girl, me too. I realized this morning that  “should”-ing on myself is a nasty mental game I play, so I’m going to target that for a language change to hear the “should” but show myself grace by following up with “Yeah, but I’m good at…” We shall see. Love you tons. Happy New Year!

I really am a "should"-er. I should have more friends. I should have run farther today. I should have spent better time with my kids. I should have, I should have, I should have. When I really think about it, I realize that a mental workout I do against myself is to "should". I think it's a little bit comparison, a cup of imposter syndrome, and a dash of pessimism with a final sprinkle of self-injury. I also let these thoughts...not even knowingly...become barriers to me. Hurdles I create to have to climb over. Sound nuts? Maybe it is...I don't know. 

This post really shook the "should" out of me...but I'm only good at replacing language with new language, and sometimes my "should"s do have some growth seeds in them.  So I have decided to filter the BS bad thoughts out and keep the stuff that truly will make me better. I also need to work on finding my shine just as easily/often as I focus on how I can be better. 

So I'm going to work on pairing a "should" with a "Yeah, but I'm good at..." and see how it works. 

I should have more friends that I stay in touch with. 
Yeah, but I'm good at staying connected via social media with lots of people and directly with a very small group who matter most to me, inspire me, and it's easy to be me with. 

I should have spent better time with my kids. 
Yeah, but today we went to Top Golf and--for those two hours--we laughed, all put our phones away, and enjoyed each other. 1 of this strategy is a success. We'll see how it goes...

Oh, and I did a 45 minute Interval and Arms ride with Cody on Peloton for 13.48 miles. I know I have to cross train, and biking makes my legs stronger. Plus, Cody makes me laugh hard, and that is a gift when you're a sweaty mess on a bike to nowhere. 

Can't get this to NOT be centered text, so I'm leaving it this way...with gratitude and a splash of grace, 

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Day 3: A Great Find!

  Click here to donate to my Believe 4 Nicholas 2024 Chicago Marathon efforts! 

πŸ’›Thank you in advance! πŸ’›


January 3, 2024

My intention today was to run at least a 5K to be able to hang a "1st Run in 2024" virtual race medal. It wasn't my first run, but I had already signed up for a "Happy New Year" run and forgot I had done so...oh well. πŸ˜†

However, I jumped on and shifted to think about getting a 10K in while I have time before school starts back up next week. However, at an 11 minute mile, it takes me more than a 60 minute Peloton run to do it, and there weren't any that lit me up anyway. I also didn't feel like listening to a playlist. So I decided to try a new podcast that was recommended to me and WOW!!!! Awesome feed about female athletes by female athletes. In case you're interested, here's the link or you can just use this to search it:

I'm telling's GREAT!!! My favorite snippets from today were:
  • Choose SIGNIFICANCE over SUCCESS, and
  • Aspirations leave clues. 
I'm going to keep listening on longer runs and on my commute. If it sounds good to you, check it out!

Happy to report I have logged 21.90 miles so far in 2024. And then I think about this three days' worth of work isn't the marathon distance yet and start to freak out a little. So I'll put that thought in a mental box and not go there!

With gratitude and a splash of grace, 

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Day 2: My Space

 Click here to donate to my Believe 4 Nicholas 2024 Chicago Marathon efforts! 

πŸ’›Thank you in advance! πŸ’›


January 2, 2024

As an introvert, I appreciate having MY space. For a long time, I had an office at home with a bay window and a desk that I loved. When our oldest moved home and she needed HER space, we changed the office into her room because that's what she needed. I have no regrets about that. 

The result of this, though, was moving a desk into our bedroom to have a spot for all the "office stuff" that naturally comes with being a homeowner, taxpayer, etc. I have never wanted or liked to have a work space in my just feels like crossing a hard boundary to me. My room is a place of sleep, a place of rest, a place of respite...not a workspace. 

Well, today I RAN to take a space back. After 4 hours and moving weight stacks around at LEAST 7 times, my new space is set. It's my exercise spot (Shaun goes to the gym) and now a space to work, Zoom, organize, etc. that is NOT in the bedroom. And with that I feel centered and ready to RUN into this year! Did a 1.3 mile warm up, a 30 minute ride, and 10 minutes of arms followed by a stretch today and it all felt great!

Here are a couple pix. It's not much, but it's MY SPACE. I didn't have to buy a thing...just used and moved...and moved again...what we have. And I love it. πŸ’™

Hoping your day was a happy one!

With gratitude and a splash of grace, 

Day 15: Updates and Polar Vortexes

   Click here to donate to my Believe 4 Nicholas 2024 Chicago Marathon efforts!  πŸ’›Thank you in advance! πŸ’› πŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘Ÿ πŸ‘Ÿ...